Adamant Niger Republic junta got a stern warning yesterday from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS): reinstate President Mohammed Bazoum or face military action.
The sub-regional body put its standby force on red alert, a decision taken at its second successive extra-ordinary meeting in one week on last month’s coup in Niger.

The meeting came almost a week after the expiration of a one-week ultimatum to the junta to quit office and restore democratic rule.

The soldiers rebuffed the deadline.

Yesterday’s meeting at the Presidential Villa in Abuja was attended by eight heads of state in West Africa and the President of Burundi and Mauritania, as well as representatives of the African Union (AU) and the United Nations (UN).

Nigeria’s Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Christoper Musa briefed the meeting on the recommendations of the sub-region’s chiefs of defence staff.

The meeting resolved to, among others:

*Direct the Committee of the Chiefs of Defense Staff to activate the ECOWAS standby force with all its elements immediately; and

*Order the deployment of the ECOWAS standby force to restore constitutional order in the Republic of Niger.

It, however, restated the commitment of ECOWAS to a peaceful resolution of the impasse despite the obstinate posture of the junta.

ECOWAS emissaries Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar, Amb. Babagana Kingibe and Sultan of Sokoto Sa’ad Abubakar also briefed the meeting.

They were denied access to the junta leader Gen. Tchiani Abdourahamane during their visit to deliver an ECOWAS message.

National Security Adviser (NSA) Nuhu Ribadu also attended the meeting.

Ivorian President Alassane Quattara underscored the need to quickly flush out the junta which yesterday formed a 21-man government – an indication that it is not ready to back down.

President Quattara told reporters on his way out of the meeting that the issue is a critical one that must be solved.

He said: “This is the second summit in 10 days that we have organised in Niger and this is a critical problem we have to solve.

“ECOWAS has taken many decisions in the past – legal and factual about coup d’etat and the community has always condemned them.

“ECOWAS had intervened in the past in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and recently in Gambia, Guinea Bissau. We have a similar situation in Niger.

“I’d like to say that ECOWAS cannot accept this. This is not a matter of Nigeria against Niger, not at all.

“The decision that we have made today, and I hope it will be implemented immediately, is a decision of ECOWAS. All the heads of state think that we have tried dialogue with the putschists.

“We have sent a delegation, high personalities like former President Abdulsalami Abubakar, the Sultan of Sokoto, former governor of CBN, Sanusi and many other personalities in this important country, to talk to the people of Niger.

“But they’re keeping President Bazoum hostage. I consider this as a terrorist act. And we cannot let this continue. We have to act.

“The position of Côte d’Ivoire which has been endorsed by all of the heads of state is that we have been able to tell these putschists that their place is in the barracks. They should go to fight the terrorists and not try to kidnap a democratically elected president.

“So, we believe that this is for the credibility of ECOWAS; all of us are concerned and involved in this decision.

“We do not accept; we will not accept coup d’état and these putschists must go. I think we should move ahead and get them out.

“Bazoum is the democratically elected president. He should be freed; he should be able to exercise his mandate freely. This is the position most heads of state have endorsed.

“So, I want to say this is not a Nigerian affair. It’s an affair of ECOWAS, and you know Niger is part of the Monetary Union of West Africa, which I am the chair and this concerns Cote d’Ivoire on that account.

“ECOWAS is even bigger. ECOWAS is nearly 400 million people, 240 million in Nigeria, and 140 million in the West African monetary union. So this is 400 million people.

“If we don’t have democracy, do you think that our countries will be able to move ahead?

“This coup d’etat is not acceptable. We should put an end to it. And I hope unanimously we’ll put this to an end.”

Speaking further on resolutions of the meeting, ECOWAS President Dr Omar Alieu Touray, said: “The Authority, having considered the memorandum presented by the President of the ECOWAS commission on the current situation in the Republic of Niger, as well as ECOWAS engagement since the last extraordinary summit and having considered the reports of the envoys of the chair, to Niger and various other places;

“Having carefully considered the report and recommendations of the ECOWAS committee of chiefs of defence staff; extensively discussed the latest development in Niger since the last extraordinary summit held on 30th July 2023;

“Having noted that all diplomatic efforts made by ECOWAS, in resolving the crisis have been defiantly repelled by the military leadership of the Republic of Niger;

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“Taking note of the expiration of the one-week ultimatum given for the restoration of constitutional order in the Republic of Niger, decide as follows:

  • “Reiterates its strong condemnation of the attempted coup d’etat and the continued illegal detention of President Bazoam, his family and members of his government;
  • “Further condemns the condition in which President Bazoum is being detained and holds the CNSP (National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland) fully and solely responsible for the safety, security and physical integrity of President Bazoum, members of his family and government;
  • “Uphold all measures and principles agreed upon by the Extraordinary Summit held on Niger on 30th July 2023.
  • “Underscore the determination of the ECOWAS authority to keep all options on the table for the peaceful resolution of the crisis.
  • “Enforce all measures, in particular, border closures and strict travel bans and assets freeze on all persons or groups of individuals whose actions hinder all peaceful efforts aimed at ensuring the smooth and complete restoration of constitutional order.
  • “Warn member states who by their action directly or indirectly, hindered the peaceful resolution of the crisis in Niger about the consequences of their action before the community;
  • “Call on the African Union to endorse all the decisions taken by the ECOWAS authority on the situation in Niger;
  • “Further call on all partner countries and institutions including the United Nations to support ECOWAS, in its effort to ensure a quick restoration of constitutional order, in conformity with its normative instruments.
  • “Direct the President of the Commission to monitor the implementation of the sanctions.
  • “Underscore its continued commitment to the restoration of constitutional order through peaceful means.”

‘Decisions not personal to any country’
To clear wrong perceptions trailing the actions of the ECOWAS Authority, the Commission’s President explained that all actions so far taken are not attributable to any particular country, but to the entire West African community.

He said stressed the decisions represent the will of 15 countries.

Touray said: “This is ECOWAS, made up of 15 member countries, as you have seen, who’ve met and decided on the way forward on this matter. It is not one country against another country.

“It is not the community against one country, the community has its instruments to which all members have subscribed and it is now up to the heads of state and incumbent upon them to make sure the provisions of the various instruments are applied and implemented.

“So, let us look at this as a community initiative, a community action, not an individual country going against another country, and ECOWAS is not going against ECOWAS citizens.

“ECOWAS is trying to implement principles of the community that we have all subscribed to. That is very important.

“So, I think we should blame those people who have taken the initiative to remove a constitutionally elected head of state.

“We have all agreed to abide by constitutional order, abide by constitutional rule, so when constitutional order is broken, there are consequences and that is what the heads of state are trying to apply.”

Tinubu: we are steadfast
In his closing remarks at the end of the Summit, the Chairman of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, President Bola Tinubu, affirmed the regional blocs’ steadfast commitment to supporting the people of Niger’s journey towards peace and democratic stability.

The Nigerian leader emphasised that the remarkable outcome of the summit, which authorised the standby deployment of ECOWAS troops to restore constitutional order in the Republic of Niger, attests to the power of collaboration and unity among ECOWAS member states.

“We have reaffirmed our commitment to the people of Niger and the progress of our entire ECOWAS Community. We will continue with that.

“From the communiqué of this extraordinary summit, no option is taken off the table, including the use of force as the last resort. If we don’t do it, no one else will do it for us.

“We remain steadfast in supporting Niger in a journey towards peace and democratic stability.

“The road ahead will undoubtedly have challenges, but I firmly believe that with our collective resolve, we can navigate these obstacles and chart a path towards peace and prosperity for Nigeriens and citizens of ECOWAS.

“May our collective efforts pave the way for a brighter future for the Nigerien people and for all Africans.

“May ECOWAS continue to thrive as a beacon of unity, cooperation, and progress in the region,” the ECOWAS Authority Chairperson firmly stated.”

CAN urges Tinubu to sustain dialogue
Also yesterday, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) urged President Tinubu to sustain dialogue against military action.

The association said: “The path to lasting peace lay in upholding democratic processes, respecting the sovereignty of nations, and engaging in peaceful dialogue to address grievances and resolve conflicts.”

A statement yesterday by CAN President, Archbishop Daniel Okoh, hailed Tinubu and the Authority of the ECOWAS Heads of Government for its commitment to discouraging coups and the forceful takeover of power.t

It reads: “We also applaud its commendable efforts in resolving the crisis faced by our neighbours in the Republic of Niger.

“CAN recognises the gravity of the situation in Niger, and the importance of upholding democratic principles, peace, and stability within the West African region.

“We believe that the peaceful resolution of conflicts is vital for the progress and well-being of our nations and our people.

“We applaud President Tinubu for adopting a diplomatic approach in addressing the crisis. This demonstrates his commitment to peaceful dialogue and belief in the power of constructive engagement to foster understanding and resolve conflicts.

“As an organisation deeply committed to promoting justice, peace, and harmony, CAN urges President Tinubu to remain on the path of dialogue and avoid any form of military intervention or measures that would create enmity between Nigeria and Niger.”

Katsina prays for peaceful resolution
Katsina State is praying for a peaceful resolution of the crisis.

Prayers were also said general peace in the state and in Nigeria.

Governor Dikko Radda, who sought support for President Tinubu and ECOWAS as they move to resolve the crisis, said: “We pray to Allah for a peaceful and amicable resolution of the crisis in Niger Republic.

“We also call on Allah to bring peace to our state and help us tackle banditry and other crimes.

“I urge us all to go back home and support President Tinubu and ECOWAS in seeing to the amicable resolution of the crisis.”

The governor also noted that President Tinubu was working to alleviate the hardships brought on poor Nigerians by the fuel subsidy removal.

He added that the government was ready to provide palliatives for ‘the poorest of the poor to alleviate their hardship’.

“Our palliatives would get to the poorest of the poor wherever they are,” Radda promised.

The prayer session, held at the Peoples Square in the Government House, was also attended by Deputy Governor Faruq Jobe, and Secretary to the State Government, Abdullahi Faskari, among others.

Several Islamic clerics and groups offered prayers and recited the Holy Quran at the two-hour session.

Coup leaders name 21 ministers
Military leaders in Niger who seized power in the coup July 26 coup have formed a new government.

Mahamane Roufai Laouali, who was named Secretary-General of the Government, read out the names on state television yesterday, without specifying any further plans.

Three of the generals who helped in the coup were named ministers of defence, interior and sports.

Newly appointed Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine will lead the 21-member government with generals from the Military Governing Council heading the defence and interior ministries.

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