The Federal Government said yesterday it was ready to engage the governments of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger Republic, so the people of the West African countries can continue to enjoy the economic benefits and democratic values in the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS.

The government’s declaration came yesterday as international affairs experts, including former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Bolaji Akinyemi, and ex-Director-General of the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, Prof. Bola Akinterinwa, described the withdrawal of the three countries from the group as a development that has set the regional body against itself, compromise trade and delay return to civil rule in those countries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement signed by the spokesperson, Mrs Francisca Omayuli, last night, said: ”Nigeria expresses its sadness over the pronouncement by the Military authority in the Republic of Niger indicating that the Republics of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger have withdrawn membership of their countries from the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS.

”For half a century, ECOWAS has worked to promote peace, prosperity and democracy in the region. Nigeria stands with ECOWAS to emphasise due process and shared commitment to protect and strengthen the rights and welfare of all citizens of member states.

”Nigeria has worked sincerely and in good faith to reach out to all members of the ECOWAS family to resolve the difficulties being faced. It is now clear that those seeking to quit the community do not share that same good faith.

”Instead, unelected leaders engage in a public posturing to deny their people the sovereign right to make fundamental choices over their freedom of movement, freedom to trade and freedom to choose their own leaders.
”Nigeria remains open for engagement with Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger so that all the people of the region can continue to enjoy the economic benefits and democratic values that ECOWAS embraces. Nigeria further appeals to the international community to continue to extend its support for ECOWAS and the vision of closer partnership, co-operation and integration.”

Recall that ECOWAS suspended the three countries in the wake of the military coups that toppled their democratically elected governments.

Akinyemi, described the exit of the three countries as a major crisis influenced by Russia to weaken Western influence in Africa, while Akinterinwa, saw the withdrawal as a case of a house divided against itself.
Similarly, Retired Ambassador Ogbole Ode said the development ws capable of disintegrating the organisation, even as West African observers feared that the exit of the three countries could compromise trade and delay return to civil rule.

Speaking in an interview with Arise TV yesterday, Akinyemi said: “We have got a major crisis on our hands. The fact that Mauritania withdrew and heaven didn’t fall, but the fact that Togo went, shows that ECOWAS is in disarray.

”While Togo alone would go either way, it shows that only Togo is disobeying a collective decision. I see the hand of Russia in this.

”I think Russia is emboldening these three countries to break up ECOWAS as part of its efforts to weaken Western influence in this part of the world, and yet Russia has not shown the capability to help these three countries to combat the Jihadists, ISIS, who are roaming wild in the Sahel. So we have a confused situation on our hands.

“We have a crisis at hand, and the reason I call it a crisis is because, in terms of landmass, that’s about half of ECOWAS, so we’re not dealing with just a little hiccup on our hands.

“ECOWAS is being turned into a confrontational field between Russia and the USA. The fact that this statement came just after U.S. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, left Nigeria is significant and we should pay attention to it.

“Another issue is that Guinea has a military regime, but the country is not going along with these three, whether in the alliance that they have formed or kicking out the French.

“They said they’re leaving immediately. However, ECOWAS protocol says one year, and during that one year, you carry out all your responsibilities.

”With their decision to leave immediately, are you going to force them to stay or use the confusing situation to try to bring palliative into the situation?”

It’s a house divided against itself—Akinterinwa

On his part, the ex-Director-General of the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs and a professor of international relations at Achievers University, Owo, Bola Akinterinwa, said in an interview with Vanguard: ”It is good and it is bad. Articles 1B and E of the 1991 Abuja Treaty that established the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, see ECOWAS as a sub-region.

”While the United Nations considers Africa a region, for the purpose of integration, Africa was divided into five major regions: West, North, East, Central, and South Africa.

“West Africa should not be considered a region but a sub-region. In this case, in Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, it is a house divided against itself. The way forward is the Africa approach. They should address what led to the problem – military junta.

”But they never considered that it was the people’s coup. They should sit down and see how they can resolve a coup supported by the people.

”A constitutional change of government should not be over exaggerated. They should stop preaching a democracy of double standards.”

Reacting to the development yesterday, retired Ambassador Ogbole Ode said: ”The trilateral decision by Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger to exit the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, is the culmination of the diplomatic impasse that emerged after the intervention of the military in the democratic process in those countries.

”ECOWAS had imposed sanctions against them in a move to pressure these countries to return to civil democratic political process.“

‘The announcement took most observers of the ECOWAS region by surprise. In the statement, Niger junta spokesperson, Colonel Amadou Abdramane, said ECOWAS ‘notably failed to assist these states in their existential fight against terrorism and insecurity.

”Article 91 of the ECOWAS Treaty provides that: Any member state wishing to withdraw from the community shall give to the executive secretary one year’s notice in writing who shall inform member states thereof. At the expiration of this period, if such notice is not withdrawn, such a state shall cease to be a member of the community.

”During the period of one year referred to in the preceding paragraph, such a member state shall continue to comply with the provisions of this treaty and shall remain bound to discharge its obligations under this treaty.
“Did the governments of the three exiting states comply with these provisions?

However, ECOWAS response to this development was conciliatory-‘The ECOWAS Commission is yet to receive any direct formal notification from the three member states about their intention to withdraw from the community. The ECOWAS Commission, as directed by the Authority of Heads of State and Government, has been working assiduously with these countries for the restoration of constitutional order.

“Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali remain important members of the community and the Authority remains committed to finding a negotiated solution to the political impasse.

The implications for the regional economic bloc is various. Firstly, from the perspective of the free movement of persons and goods, citizens residing in the trilateral exit states and vice versa will discover that they have a new immigration status.

For ECOWAS, this disintegrative move is counterproductive to the ideals of the founding of the Community. The organization is aimed at integrating the 15 member economies. However, political issues appear to have taking the frontline to the detriment of the economic objective.”

Implications on trade

Meanwhile, some observers fear the exit of the three founder members of ECOWAS, formed in 1975, could compromise trade and push back the return to civilian rule in the countries concerned as they battle jihadist violence and poverty.

The three criticised ECOWAS’ “irrational and unacceptable posture” after the 15-member bloc (including the departing trio) imposed a range of sanctions in an attempt to hasten a return to democratic rule.

Fahiraman Rodrigue Kone, Sahel regional expert for the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), speaking to AFP, suggested that “the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) states anticipated a coming debate on the end of the transitions.

“Withdrawing from ECOWAS seems to put that on the back burner.”

Le Patriote, a pro-government newspaper in Ivory Coast, commented: “Well ensconced and enjoying the trappings of power, they (the AES leaders) wish to linger for ever in their presidential chairs.”

Withdrawal will hit hard given that ECOWAS guarantees visa-free travel and right of settlement and work in member countries.

“Losing such benefits will cause concern, as will the potential effect on regional trade.

All three countries are landlocked and their main coastal economic partners, notably Senegal and Ivory Coast, are, like them, members of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).

The grouping also guarantees “freedom of movement and residence” between its eight members, as well as tariff-free trade on certain items along with tariff harmonisation and trade norms.

One country that could feel the effects of the triple withdrawal is Nigeria, which is not a WAEMU member.

Nigeria accounts for more than half of ECOWAS’ overall GDP and is neighbouring Niger’s main economic partner — though much of their 1,500-kilometre (940-mile) border is poorly controlled both in terms of security and trade.
“Even if it’s via smuggling, goods and people will return to Niger. You can’t separate Sokoto (northern Nigeria) from Konni (Niger) — it’s the same people,” Chaibou Tchiombiano, secretary general of Niger’s import-export and wholesalers’ union, said to AFP.

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